These response codes provide a more detailed description of any problems which may have occurred with an API.
Code | Message |
1 | retailerId not found in authorization |
2 | Informed Content-Type header is not allowed |
3 | Invalid Query |
4 | Request payload invalid |
Code | Message |
100 | Audience not found |
101 | Only one file allowed |
102 | file exceeded 6 MB limit |
103 | Invalid audience in base64 |
104 | Unsupported file, here are the allowed files: [csv] |
105 | Exceeded limit of 100000 rows. |
106 | The file structure is invalid |
107 | No imports for the informed audience |
108 | There is import in progress for the informed audience. Please try again in a few moments |
109 | There is pending import for the informed audience. Please try again in a few moments |
110 | There is only import failure for the informed audience |
111 | No ready import for informed audience |
112 | No audience validation data for the provided import |
113 | Parameter "tokenDefinitions" is required for dynamic audience type |
114 | Parameter "type" is required for application/json content-type |
115 | Parameter "audience" not allowed for dynamic audiences |
116 | Static type not allowed for application/json content-type |
117 | Dynamic type not allowed for multipart/form-data content-type |
118 | Parameter "file" is required for static type audience |
119 | Only dynamic audience allow to adding contacts |
120 | Invalid contacts JSON |
121 | Audience provided is not from campaign provided |
122 | Invalid tokenDefinitions attribute |
123 | Only audience with error |
124 | Audience type cannot be changed |
125 | Unable to update audience while the campaign associated with that audience is in progress |
Code | Message |
200 | Campaign not found |
201 | Campaign channel already exists |
202 | Campaign its already progress |
203 | Invalid campaign status for scheduling |
204 | Campaign with static audience can only dispatch test |
205 | Campaign invalid status finish |
206 | Platform type already exists |
207 | Missing contacts to dispatch |
208 | The limit for test contacts is 5 |
209 | The limit for contacts is 50 |
210 | Invalid context json value format |
211 | Context total max side exceeded |
212 | The context token is reserved to add data to dispatched messages and cannot be used as a token definition |
213 | The context token is reserved to add data to dispatched messages and cannot be used as a column of provided file |
214 | Campaign does not have a segmented audience |
215 | Campaign status is already |
216 | It is not possible to update the status of a finalized or archived campaign |
217 | Activation and Deactivation allowed only for campaigns with reactive audience |
218 | Segment is mandatory for recurring campaigns |
219 | The "activateOnCreate" field is only allowed for campaigns of type recurring |
220 | Failed to create router rule. Invalid rule type, expected BOT |
221 | Campaign status is archived |
Code | Message |
300 | Campaign Channel not found |
301 | The tokens are invalid |
302 | Informed Integration is not ready |
303 | Informed Integration not found |
304 | Should be informed one token of type image for template type IMAGE |
305 | Token attribute isFixed for type image should be true |
306 | Invalid tokens quantity |
307 | Should be informed one token of type video for template type VIDEO |
308 | Token attribute isFixed for type document should be true |
309 | Should be informed one token of type document for template type DOCUMENT |
310 | Token attribute isFixed for type video should be true |
311 | Informed Template is not ready |
312 | Informed template not found |
Code | Message |
400 | Invalid schedule date |
410 | Schedule not found |
411 | No schedule found to cancel |
412 | The limit provided exceeds the total number of dispatch available for scheduling |
413 | Unable to update campaign audience with existing dispatches |
414 | Unable to update campaigns scheduled to dispatch in the next minute |
415 | Unable to update scheduled to dispatch in the next minute |
416 | Cannot remove limit of a schedule. It must be cancelled |
417 | There is another schedule without limit |
420 | Invalid phone number |
421 | Invalid cron expression |
422 | Failed to create a recurring schedule because the campaign already has a non-recurring schedule. A campaign cannot have both types of schedules. Please remove the existing non-recurring schedule before adding a recurring one. |
423 | Campaign must have reactive audience when schedule type is recurring |
424 | Recurring schedules with overlap |
425 | Campaigns with reactive audience cannot have non-recurring schedules |
426 | Resource could not be found |
427 | Unable to validate schedule payload |
428 | Unable to get the CDP token |
429 | The number of hours in the timetable exceeds the limit of 50 items. |
430 | The hours in the timetable must be in the format "HH:mm". |
431 | The number of weekdays in the timetable exceeds the limit of 7 items. |
432 | The weekdays in the timetable must be between 1 and 7. |
433 | Each schedule must have either a cron expression or a timetable |
434 | Only schedules with SCHEDULED or PAUSED status can be updated or deleted |
Code | Message |
600 | Dispatch not found |
Code | Message |
700 | Invalid query |
701 | Limit cannot be greater than 100 |
702 | Campaign name already exists |
703 | Invalid filter key expression |
704 | Invalid key data for filter |
705 | Invalid campaign index |
Code | Message |
800 | Invalid rule type. Expected BOT. |
801 | Rule not found. |